23 09, 2021

The Heritage of Reading: 1847—1874: Annexations: Industrial Expansion; the Building Industry

2021-09-23T10:39:50-04:00September 23rd, 2021|Heritage of Reading, History|Comments Off on The Heritage of Reading: 1847—1874: Annexations: Industrial Expansion; the Building Industry

Development from the City Charter till 1874, when Reading received a new charter and became a City of the Third Class, progressed steadily and through the same forces which guided it prior to 1847. Population increased from 15,743 in 1850 to 23,162 in [...]

23 09, 2021

The Heritage of Reading: 1813-1847: Canals, Heavy Industry, and the Railroad

2021-09-23T09:40:18-04:00September 23rd, 2021|Heritage of Reading, History, Planes-Trains-Automobiles, Towns-Wards|Comments Off on The Heritage of Reading: 1813-1847: Canals, Heavy Industry, and the Railroad

The town of Reading was chartered as a borough by the Pennsylvania General Assembly in 1783, and granted a new Borough Charter in 1813, with the legal boundaries set beyond those of the original town plan. The northern and southern boundaries were still [...]

22 09, 2021

The Heritage of Reading: 1745 -1813: Original topography and the Town Plan

2021-09-22T11:56:27-04:00September 22nd, 2021|Books, Heritage of Reading, History|Comments Off on The Heritage of Reading: 1745 -1813: Original topography and the Town Plan

When Thomas Penn and his engineers were discussing the location and plan for the county seat of the proposed Berks County (1745-1748), the land east of the Schuylkill, west of Mount Penn and north of Mount Neversink was divided into large estates whose [...]

3 09, 2021

Bernhart’s Dam, Lake, and Park

2021-09-03T17:06:43-04:00September 3rd, 2021|Landmarks, Nature & Outdoors|Comments Off on Bernhart’s Dam, Lake, and Park

Bernhart's dam and lake has existed on an extensive Spring Valley acreage since 1796. The dam was originally constructed for a grist mill. John S. Bernhart acquired the mill tract in 1832. He enlarged the dam, built a new mill and then added [...]

2 09, 2021

John F. Boyer’s Old Reliable Stables

2021-09-02T14:09:23-04:00September 2nd, 2021|Businesses-Industry, History|Comments Off on John F. Boyer’s Old Reliable Stables

The oldest and largest establishment of its kind in this part of the State, Jno. F. Boyer’s old reliable stables, have long been recognized as unrivalled for efficiency of service and complete facilities in all matters connected with horses and general livery business. [...]

2 09, 2021

Reading Beer Just Memory

2021-09-02T09:19:23-04:00September 2nd, 2021|Breweries, Businesses-Industry|Comments Off on Reading Beer Just Memory

In 1976, due to the rise of larger macro breweries, Reading Brewing Company ceased operations. The following article appeared in the April 15, 1976 edition of the Reading Times newspaper. The Reading Brewing Co. was filling its Bergheim cans today with premium [...]

2 09, 2021

Reading Brewing Company

2021-09-02T09:09:25-04:00September 2nd, 2021|Breweries, Businesses-Industry|Comments Off on Reading Brewing Company

The Reading Brewing Company was founded in 1886 by Philip Bessinger with a brewery at Ninth and Laurel streets in Reading. The beer was originally called Old Reading Beer and was marketed as a Pennsylvania Dutch beer. The brewery began with a production [...]

1 09, 2021

Unusual job completed by textile craftsmen

2021-09-01T13:45:57-04:00September 1st, 2021|History|Comments Off on Unusual job completed by textile craftsmen

November, 1931: Fashioned with wood, the work of Textile craftsmen is a beautiful miniature reproduction of the Reading Hospital buildings and proposed additions. Made in Textile’s Wood Pattern Shop by Willis J. Katzenmoyer and Charles Wengert, under the supervision of Foreman Harry A. [...]

1 08, 2021

Ancona’s School – Alsace Township

2021-08-06T08:00:11-04:00August 1st, 2021|Schools|Comments Off on Ancona’s School – Alsace Township

At the junction of Friedensburg Road and Old Spies Church Road, about a half-mile past the former Stony Creek Mills in Lower Alsace Township, stands an interesting stone structure that prior to enlargement had been a horse stable. Before that, it was Ancona’s [...]

16 07, 2021

Fire Companies and Penn Street, Reading, PA

2021-07-16T02:08:21-04:00July 16th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Fire Companies and Penn Street, Reading, PA

The tradition of the fire truck parade on Penn Street dates back to the turn of the 20th century. It is not known exactly when these parades began on a regular basis. However, they may have started with the tradition of driving a [...]

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