24 09, 2021

The Heritage of Reading: 1910-1940: New Annexations; the Automobile; the Suburbs; the Great Depression

2021-09-24T13:02:36-04:00September 24th, 2021|Heritage of Reading, History, Towns-Wards|Comments Off on The Heritage of Reading: 1910-1940: New Annexations; the Automobile; the Suburbs; the Great Depression

By 1910 it was clear to Reading’s leaders that the biggest progress was quickly moving beyond the City limits. A few new suburban industries were already finding their locations an asset. Lower land prices were attractive, there were fewer restrictions on developable land, [...]

24 09, 2021

The Heritage of Reading: 1874-1910: The Height of Progress, Trollies, and the First Suburbs

2021-09-24T08:53:41-04:00September 24th, 2021|Heritage of Reading, History, Towns-Wards|Comments Off on The Heritage of Reading: 1874-1910: The Height of Progress, Trollies, and the First Suburbs

Between the year in which Reading became a Third Class City and the year in which Reading’s prosperity is said to have reached its peak, the City underwent some major physical changes as it saw the years of its greatest progress. The underlying [...]

23 09, 2021

The Heritage of Reading: 1813-1847: Canals, Heavy Industry, and the Railroad

2021-09-23T09:40:18-04:00September 23rd, 2021|Heritage of Reading, History, Planes-Trains-Automobiles, Towns-Wards|Comments Off on The Heritage of Reading: 1813-1847: Canals, Heavy Industry, and the Railroad

The town of Reading was chartered as a borough by the Pennsylvania General Assembly in 1783, and granted a new Borough Charter in 1813, with the legal boundaries set beyond those of the original town plan. The northern and southern boundaries were still [...]

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