1 05, 2021

Boy Scouts of America – The Reading and Reading-Berks County Councils

2021-06-04T12:03:19-04:00May 1st, 2021|Nature & Outdoors, Organizations-Institutions|0 Comments

The Reading Council, which would in time become the Daniel Boone Council, was established in March 1916, when Woodrow Wilson was president and World War I was underway in Europe. The United States would enter the war the following year, three years after [...]

26 04, 2021

St. Lawrence Dairy and Luncheonette

2021-06-04T12:03:20-04:00April 26th, 2021|Businesses-Industry|0 Comments

St. Lawrence Luncheonette was a large and popular eatery that once hosted customers at 535 Penn Street. It was owned and operated by the St. Lawrence Dairy. Its ice cream and soda was understandably the most popular part of this operation. Below: Interior, [...]

23 04, 2021

Trexler Mansion – Elks Lodge – 46 South Fifth Street

2021-06-04T12:03:20-04:00April 23rd, 2021|Landmarks|0 Comments

The Horatio Trexler Mansion was built in 1869 in the French Second Empire style. The French Second Empire manner strove to imitate the French baroque elegance of the new architecture in Napoleon Ill's Paris. The small decorative porch to shelter callers - not for [...]

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