1 04, 2021

Ricktown Historic District

2021-06-04T12:03:20-04:00April 1st, 2021|Towns-Wards|0 Comments

Generally situated to the south of the Lebanon Valley Railroad between Schuylkill Avenue and North Second Street, the Ricktown Historic District extends south to the vicinity of Washington Street. The neighborhood is basically residential in character, although much of the residential development occurred [...]

30 03, 2021

The Road to Nowhere: A Highway’s Journey to Somewhere

2024-10-30T19:40:00-04:00March 30th, 2021|Planes-Trains-Automobiles|0 Comments

For decades, locals and visitors alike marveled—or rather chuckled—at the so-called “Road to Nowhere,” a rare breed of Pennsylvania roadway that, for years, led travelers absolutely nowhere of significance. Built in 1964, this four-lane wonder began as a strip of asphalt in the [...]

25 03, 2021

Building of Skyline Drive Wall a WPA Project

2021-06-04T12:05:08-04:00March 25th, 2021|Landmarks|0 Comments

The roads that wind around Mount Penn to the Pagoda are lined with a stone wall that was built from 1932 to 1934. The original building of the wall was funded and constructed by the Federal government under the Administration of President Franklin [...]

24 03, 2021

Former Camp Hosiery building to become the home to Albright College’s Science Research Institute

2021-06-04T12:05:08-04:00March 24th, 2021|News|0 Comments

Dr. Jacquelyn S. Fetrow, Albright president, explained to City Council at its committee whole meeting Monday, March 22, about the renovations coming to the former Camp Hosiery building.The 1928-building next to Shirk Stadium will become the home to the school’s Science Research Institute and [...]

23 02, 2021

Northwest corner of Sixth and Penn Streets – Hotel Penn

2021-06-04T12:05:10-04:00February 23rd, 2021|Hotels, Landmarks|0 Comments

The northwest corner property at Sixth and Penn Streets of former Outlot No. 8 of the original town plan of Reading was originally sold by the Penns in 1749 to John Epler. Two years later John’s brother Adam was listed as owner. In [...]

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