2 09, 2021

Reading Brewing Company

2021-09-02T09:09:25-04:00September 2nd, 2021|Breweries, Businesses-Industry|Comments Off on Reading Brewing Company

The Reading Brewing Company was founded in 1886 by Philip Bessinger with a brewery at Ninth and Laurel streets in Reading. The beer was originally called Old Reading Beer and was marketed as a Pennsylvania Dutch beer. The brewery began with a production [...]

1 09, 2021

Unusual job completed by textile craftsmen

2021-09-01T13:45:57-04:00September 1st, 2021|History|Comments Off on Unusual job completed by textile craftsmen

November, 1931: Fashioned with wood, the work of Textile craftsmen is a beautiful miniature reproduction of the Reading Hospital buildings and proposed additions. Made in Textile’s Wood Pattern Shop by Willis J. Katzenmoyer and Charles Wengert, under the supervision of Foreman Harry A. [...]

1 08, 2021

Ancona’s School – Alsace Township

2021-08-06T08:00:11-04:00August 1st, 2021|Schools|Comments Off on Ancona’s School – Alsace Township

At the junction of Friedensburg Road and Old Spies Church Road, about a half-mile past the former Stony Creek Mills in Lower Alsace Township, stands an interesting stone structure that prior to enlargement had been a horse stable. Before that, it was Ancona’s [...]

16 07, 2021

Fire Companies and Penn Street, Reading, PA

2021-07-16T02:08:21-04:00July 16th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Fire Companies and Penn Street, Reading, PA

The tradition of the fire truck parade on Penn Street dates back to the turn of the 20th century. It is not known exactly when these parades began on a regular basis. However, they may have started with the tradition of driving a [...]

14 05, 2021

Berks County in the Revolution – Germans to the Rescue

2021-06-04T12:03:19-04:00May 14th, 2021|History, Military|0 Comments

The American colonists included large numbers of Germans, many of whom had initially been encouraged by William Penn to settle Pennsylvania, as he deliberately tried to attract Europeans who felt persecuted. By 1775, at least 100,000 Germans had entered the colonies, making up [...]

11 05, 2021

George Washington slept here in 1794

2021-06-04T12:03:19-04:00May 11th, 2021|History, People|0 Comments

President George Washington was once the city’s guest, on October 1, 1794, when he came here from Philadelphia and remained over night at the Farmers’ Bank building, then the Federal Inn. Previously Washington had been at Womelsdorf and other parts of the county. [...]

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