26 04, 2021

St. Lawrence Dairy and Luncheonette

2021-06-04T12:03:20-04:00April 26th, 2021|Businesses-Industry|0 Comments

St. Lawrence Luncheonette was a large and popular eatery that once hosted customers at 535 Penn Street. It was owned and operated by the St. Lawrence Dairy. Its ice cream and soda was understandably the most popular part of this operation. Below: Interior, [...]

19 01, 2021

Farmers-Kissinger Market, 800 block of Penn Street, Reading

2021-06-04T12:07:30-04:00January 19th, 2021|Businesses-Industry|0 Comments

The Farmers-Kissinger Market was located on the South side of the 800 block of Penn Street, Reading. It was opened around Memorial Day of 1871. Below: Farmers-Kissinger Market in the late 1960s. The market relocated to new commercial space in the same block [...]

19 01, 2021

Harry S. Kline – the Soft Pretzel Man at Fifth and Penn Streets, Reading

2023-05-25T06:14:04-04:00January 19th, 2021|Businesses-Industry|0 Comments

Years back, before suburban malls lured shoppers away from in town, Penn Street was teeming with pedestrians from morning to night. Around the holidays, sidewalks were thronged to the extent the only way to pass people was a side-run out in the street. Hundreds [...]

7 01, 2021

William H. Luden – Luden’s Candy

2022-02-04T04:05:20-04:00January 7th, 2021|Businesses-Industry, People|0 Comments

William H. Luden (1859-1949) was the developer of the menthol cough drop and founder of the Luden's company and brand. The son of an immigrant father from the Netherland’s, Luden quit school at the age of 15 and became an apprentice candy maker. [...]

1 01, 2021

The End of an Era for the Outlet Industry in Wyomissing

2021-06-04T12:09:07-04:00January 1st, 2021|Businesses-Industry, News, Outlet|0 Comments

In 1970, M.O. Lee, then-president of VF Corp., introduced the outlet concept. But it was Kitty Solomon who helped spawn the outlet industry. Under the leadership of Kitty Solomon, the Berks County Pennsylvania Dutch Travel Association turned to tourism to increase area earnings. [...]

31 12, 2020

There’s a new A-Plus in downtown Reading

2021-06-04T12:09:07-04:00December 31st, 2020|Businesses-Industry, News|0 Comments

On Dec. 15, a ribbon cutting ceremony was held for a new A-Plus convenience store at the corner of Fourth and Washington Streets. The 3,500 square-foot store, which sits across the courtyard of the Washington Tower apartment building's lobby, features typical products, such as [...]

12 09, 2020

Kitty Solomon helped spawn the Outlet Industry

2020-09-13T03:04:09-04:00September 12th, 2020|Businesses-Industry, Outlets|0 Comments

At one time Reading was dominated by textile manufacturers. By the 1960s and early 1970s most of the textile companies moved south, but a couple that remained - Talbott and David Crystal – had outlets, mainly for women’s clothing. Under the leadership of [...]

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