19 01, 2021

Farmers-Kissinger Market, 800 block of Penn Street, Reading

2021-06-04T12:07:30-04:00January 19th, 2021|Businesses-Industry|0 Comments

The Farmers-Kissinger Market was located on the South side of the 800 block of Penn Street, Reading. It was opened around Memorial Day of 1871. Below: Farmers-Kissinger Market in the late 1960s. The market relocated to new commercial space in the same block [...]

19 01, 2021

Harry S. Kline – the Soft Pretzel Man at Fifth and Penn Streets, Reading

2023-05-25T06:14:04-04:00January 19th, 2021|Businesses-Industry|0 Comments

Years back, before suburban malls lured shoppers away from in town, Penn Street was teeming with pedestrians from morning to night. Around the holidays, sidewalks were thronged to the extent the only way to pass people was a side-run out in the street. Hundreds [...]

18 01, 2021

Rajah Theatre – Santander Performing Arts Center

2024-09-09T06:31:16-04:00January 18th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

In July of 1870, workers began to erect a building at 135 North Sixth Street which was to contain a market house and Masonic Temple. However,  the panic of 1873 - 74 prevented completion so the property was sold by the sheriff to [...]

16 01, 2021

The Soldier’s General: Hunter Liggett of the A.E.F.

2021-06-04T12:07:31-04:00January 16th, 2021|History, Military|0 Comments

The Soldier’s General: Hunter Liggett of the A.E.F. Big stature, big deeds and straight talk personified the man, Major General Hunter Liggett, born March 21, 1857, somewhere near to the corner of Sixth and Chestnut Streets, Reading, Pennsylvania. (On his return from Europe where [...]

12 01, 2021

Groundbreaking – Alvernia University’s CollegeTowne Project

2021-06-04T12:07:32-04:00January 12th, 2021|News|0 Comments

Groundbreaking was held on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 for Alvernia University’s CollegeTowne project. Below: Alvernia University President John R. Loyack smashes a wall Tuesday as the university celebrates the beginning of work on its Reading CollegeTowne project at 401 Penn St. In February, 2020, [...]

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