30 12, 2022

Heiner’s Wissel on Neversink Mountain

2022-12-30T08:45:47-04:00December 30th, 2022|History, Landmarks|Comments Off on Heiner’s Wissel on Neversink Mountain

The city of Reading is bounded on the west by the Schuylkill River, on the east by Mount Penn, and on the south by Neversink Mountain. Overlooking the city on Mount Penn are two landmarks, a Japanese-style pagoda, and the William Penn Memorial [...]

5 11, 2022

History of Holy Guardian Angels, Hyde Park

2022-11-05T08:26:37-04:00November 5th, 2022|Churches, History|Comments Off on History of Holy Guardian Angels, Hyde Park

Holy Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Church, Hyde Park, was established in 1929 for a group of Italian immigrant families who settled in Temple in the early 1920s. The nearest Italian Catholic church, Holy Rosary, located in Reading was about five miles away and [...]

21 05, 2022

Civilian Conservation Corps

2022-05-21T06:38:31-04:00May 21st, 2022|History, Landmarks|Comments Off on Civilian Conservation Corps

The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was a public relief program for unemployed men ages 18 to 24 to provide unskilled manual labor for conservation and development of natural resources beginning in 1933. President Roosevelt promoted the CCC for youth unable to find jobs [...]

24 03, 2022

St. Peter Reading Catholic High School

2022-03-24T12:13:28-04:00March 24th, 2022|Churches, History, Schools|Comments Off on St. Peter Reading Catholic High School

By the beginning of the 20th century in Reading there was an urgent need for a Catholic secondary school. In order to meet the advanced academic needs of the Reading high school-age population, St. Peter High School was founded in 1911. St. Peter’s [...]

10 10, 2021

Changing Demographics and Revitalization

2021-10-10T12:09:40-04:00October 10th, 2021|Businesses-Industry, History|Comments Off on Changing Demographics and Revitalization

By 2045, the U.S. will be a majority minority nation. During that year, whites will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial populations. This [...]

24 09, 2021

The Heritage of Reading: 1910-1940: New Annexations; the Automobile; the Suburbs; the Great Depression

2021-09-24T13:02:36-04:00September 24th, 2021|Heritage of Reading, History, Towns-Wards|Comments Off on The Heritage of Reading: 1910-1940: New Annexations; the Automobile; the Suburbs; the Great Depression

By 1910 it was clear to Reading’s leaders that the biggest progress was quickly moving beyond the City limits. A few new suburban industries were already finding their locations an asset. Lower land prices were attractive, there were fewer restrictions on developable land, [...]

24 09, 2021

The Heritage of Reading: 1874-1910: The Height of Progress, Trollies, and the First Suburbs

2021-09-24T08:53:41-04:00September 24th, 2021|Heritage of Reading, History, Towns-Wards|Comments Off on The Heritage of Reading: 1874-1910: The Height of Progress, Trollies, and the First Suburbs

Between the year in which Reading became a Third Class City and the year in which Reading’s prosperity is said to have reached its peak, the City underwent some major physical changes as it saw the years of its greatest progress. The underlying [...]

23 09, 2021

The Heritage of Reading: 1847—1874: Annexations: Industrial Expansion; the Building Industry

2021-09-23T10:39:50-04:00September 23rd, 2021|Heritage of Reading, History|Comments Off on The Heritage of Reading: 1847—1874: Annexations: Industrial Expansion; the Building Industry

Development from the City Charter till 1874, when Reading received a new charter and became a City of the Third Class, progressed steadily and through the same forces which guided it prior to 1847. Population increased from 15,743 in 1850 to 23,162 in [...]

23 09, 2021

The Heritage of Reading: 1813-1847: Canals, Heavy Industry, and the Railroad

2021-09-23T09:40:18-04:00September 23rd, 2021|Heritage of Reading, History, Planes-Trains-Automobiles, Towns-Wards|Comments Off on The Heritage of Reading: 1813-1847: Canals, Heavy Industry, and the Railroad

The town of Reading was chartered as a borough by the Pennsylvania General Assembly in 1783, and granted a new Borough Charter in 1813, with the legal boundaries set beyond those of the original town plan. The northern and southern boundaries were still [...]

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