The Victor Emmanuel II Beneficial Society was founded in 1915 by twenty-one men of Italian heritage who joined together for the purpose of aiding members in need due to sickness or death, and to participate in the moral and social improvement of the Italian community in Reading. The selection of the name Victor Emmanuel II was most appropriate since it was he who in 1861 came from the Island of Sardinia to unite the Kingdom of Italy into one nation.

Officially chartered as a non-profit corporation in 1915, the society was led by visionary founders such as Francesco Donato, Rocco Frasso, and Antonio Raduazzo. They sought to create a network of support for Italian immigrants, ensuring assistance in times of illness or death while fostering a sense of belonging and social improvement.

Initially, meetings were held in various rented spaces, with a permanent location secured on the fourth floor of the Rustic Restaurant building at 5th and Penn Streets. Francesco Donato served as the first president, followed by Rocco A. Frasso, who guided the society through significant early growth from 1917 to 1932.

Below: Victor Emmanuel’s first regular meeting was in the building still standing at the northeast corner of 5th and Penn streets. The meeting room was on the top floor and the Rustic Restaurant was on the first floor.

5th and Penn Streets

By the 1940s, the society had expanded its scope, incorporating social and recreational activities to engage younger generations. A bowling team was formed, and in 1946, the organization achieved a major milestone by acquiring its first permanent home at 148-150 Penn Street. This acquisition allowed the society to strengthen its presence and broaden its services.

Below: The Society headquarters along the southwest corner of 2nd and Penn streets in Reading as it appeared in 1970. The car parked outside belonged to Mike Torchia, financial secretary.

Beneficial Society Victor Emmanuel II

The society continued to evolve, securing a liquor license in 1947 and establishing the Ladies Auxiliary in 1949 to support charitable and social initiatives. Under dedicated leadership, Victor Emmanuel II became a vital institution, offering scholarships to high school graduates and hosting social events that reinforced community ties.

In 1949, the Ladies Auxiliary of the Beneficial Society Victor Emmanuel II was formed. It remains today as an immeasurable aid to the society through its own projects and by assisting the lodge in its endeavors.

In 1965, to celebrate its fiftieth anniversary, the Victor Emmanuel II Scholarship Fund was established, awarding a scholarship annually to a deserving student of Italian descent from Berks County.

Like many longstanding organizations, the society faced challenges that tested its resilience. In 1971, urban renewal projects led the Reading Redevelopment Authority to require the society to vacate its 2nd and Penn Streets location. After an extensive search, the organization acquired a new property at 311-313 Hazel Street in 1971 and relocated in 1972. Despite initial uncertainties, the society experienced a resurgence, attracting new members and enhancing its role within the community.

Below: This photo was taken during the demolition of the 2nd and Penn streets building on March 7, 1972. This Reading Eagle photo, captioned “Arrivederci, Pasta Mia,” noted that this was the last property in the immediate area to be cleared for the Riverfront Urban Renewal Project to make way for a Holiday Inn that operated from March 1975 to May 1977. The inn was later modified for Reading Area Community College.

demolition of 2nd and penn

Below: The present-day headquarters of Victor Emmanuel II at 311-313 Hazel St., Reading, as it looked when it was bought in 1971 and prior to all improvements made since then.

311-313 Hazel Street 1971

Below: Victor Emmanuel II at 311-313 Hazel St, Reading, shortly after its grand opening in 1972.

victors 1972

Throughout the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the society invested in renovations and expansions, including new dining facilities and outdoor event spaces. These improvements reinforced its mission of preserving Italian heritage while adapting to the needs of a growing membership.

Victor Emmanuel Beneficial Society

As the society celebrated its centennial in 2015, it stood as a testament to the enduring strength of the Italian-American community in Berks County. Through generations of leadership, charitable contributions, and unwavering dedication to its founding principles, the Beneficial Society of Victor Emmanuel II has remained a beacon of cultural preservation and community solidarity.

Today, the organization continues to thrive, providing scholarships, hosting social events, and maintaining a welcoming space for Italian-Americans to celebrate their heritage.

Beneficial Society Victor Emmanuel II


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