31 05, 2020

Mineral Pigments of East Reading

2020-05-31T18:03:31-04:00May 31st, 2020|Businesses-Industry, Nature & Outdoors|0 Comments

Neversink Mountain, and its counterpart, Mt. Penn, are composed of Hardyston quartzite which being resistant to the atmospheric agencies, has been reduced more slowly than the adjacent limestones and so form steep hills or mountains rising 600 to 800 feet above that portion [...]

27 05, 2020

Hershey Candy Factory – Reading, PA

2022-09-15T07:10:05-04:00May 27th, 2020|Businesses-Industry|0 Comments

Milton Snavely Hershey (September 13, 1857 – October 13, 1945) was an American chocolatier, businessman, and philanthropist. At the age of 14, Hershey, who'd dropped out of school the year before, expressed an interest in candy making and began apprenticing with a master [...]

25 05, 2020

Reading, PA – Outlet Capital of the World

2021-01-14T23:33:24-04:00May 25th, 2020|Businesses-Industry, Outlets|0 Comments

Outlets first appeared in the Eastern United States in the 1930s. Factory stores started to offer damaged or excess goods to employees at a low price. After some time, the audience expanded to include non-employees. In 1936, Anderson-Little (a men's clothing brand) opened [...]

23 05, 2020

10th and Windsor Market House

2020-05-23T02:16:25-04:00May 23rd, 2020|Businesses-Industry|0 Comments

The 10th and Windsor Market House was erected in 1894 according to plans and specifications prepared by Architect Alexander F. Smith of Reading. Alexander F. Smith, over the course of a very successful career, designed the Pomeroy's building, the Baer Building, Berkshire Country [...]

22 05, 2020

Yuengling’s Ice Cream

2020-05-22T22:22:22-04:00May 22nd, 2020|Businesses-Industry|0 Comments

One of the more interesting facets of the Yuengling company's colorful history was its innovative response to the "Prohibition" of alcohol legislated by Congress in 1919. Considered one of the greatest shakedowns in American brewing history, the restrictive period of Prohibition forced many [...]

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