23 05, 2020

Southeast Corner of Fifth and Penn Streets

2020-06-06T21:54:28-04:00May 23rd, 2020|Hotels, Landmarks|0 Comments

On October 19, 1778 Mr. Hall sold the property located at the Southeast Corner of 5th & Penn Streets to Mark Bird. Mark Bird, of Birdsboro, conveyed the property to John Bishop, of Exeter. Mr. Bishop by will dated February 20, 1812, devised [...]

23 05, 2020

10th and Windsor Market House

2020-05-23T02:16:25-04:00May 23rd, 2020|Businesses-Industry|0 Comments

The 10th and Windsor Market House was erected in 1894 according to plans and specifications prepared by Architect Alexander F. Smith of Reading. Alexander F. Smith, over the course of a very successful career, designed the Pomeroy's building, the Baer Building, Berkshire Country [...]

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