31 05, 2020

Rose Valley and East Reading Expansion

2020-05-31T21:23:01-04:00May 31st, 2020|Nature & Outdoors, Towns-Wards|1 Comment

Many years ago the glen stretching between present day Egelman's Park and Pendora Park was given the name Rosenthal or Rose Valley. The glen is formed by the depression of neighboring mountains. Rose Valley is situated in Lower Alsace Township, named after the [...]

31 05, 2020

Mineral Pigments of East Reading

2020-05-31T18:03:31-04:00May 31st, 2020|Businesses-Industry, Nature & Outdoors|0 Comments

Neversink Mountain, and its counterpart, Mt. Penn, are composed of Hardyston quartzite which being resistant to the atmospheric agencies, has been reduced more slowly than the adjacent limestones and so form steep hills or mountains rising 600 to 800 feet above that portion [...]

31 05, 2020

Monsignor George Bornemann

2020-05-31T07:04:14-04:00May 31st, 2020|Churches, Organizations-Institutions, People, Schools|0 Comments

George Bornemann was born October 5, 1838, at Lingen, Province of Hanover, Germany. His father was a rope-maker; his mother, Louisa (born, Rolfs) died when he was six years old. The schools of his native town provided his elementary education, and he early [...]

31 05, 2020

The Old White Store and Stichter’s Hardware Store

2020-05-31T01:50:15-04:00May 31st, 2020|Landmarks, People|0 Comments

One of the first business places in Reading was the store of Conrad Weiser at a little crossroads we now know as Fifth and Penn streets in Reading. Weiser moved to the Tulpehocken area in Pennsylvania in 1729, erecting a house upon a [...]

30 05, 2020

Reading Girls’ High School and Architect Alexander Forbes Smith

2024-04-29T21:59:10-04:00May 30th, 2020|Schools|0 Comments

On November 2, 1852, the City Union High School on Fourth and Court streets in Reading, Pennsylvania, opened its doors to boys only. Thirty-five students were enrolled under the direction of Principal William H. Batt, who was paid a salary of $800 a [...]

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