13 07, 2020

Penn Square Pedestrian Mall

2020-09-08T05:09:09-04:00July 13th, 2020|Businesses-Industry, Department Stores, Landmarks|0 Comments

The Penn Square Pedestrian Mall was originally a component of a much larger urban renewal plan. Sasaki Associates' Downtown East Urban Renewal Plan of 1971 proposed an enclosed shopping mall in downtown Reading to compete with shopping malls being built in the suburbs. [...]

13 07, 2020

Lorane Elementary School – Exeter Township

2020-07-13T03:10:29-04:00July 13th, 2020|Schools|0 Comments

The cornerstone for the Lorane Elementary School building, Exeter Township, was laid during afternoon ceremonies on July 12, 1959. The new structure was built to relieve over-crowded conditions in both the elementary and high school buildings. Initially, it housed six sections of 7th [...]

8 07, 2020

Fairgrounds Square Mall Redevelopment

2020-12-17T12:21:59-04:00July 8th, 2020|Businesses-Industry, Department Stores, News|0 Comments

The 750,000 sq ft Fairgrounds Square Mall was developed by Interstate Properties in the late 1970’s. Recognizing the potential of the Berks retail trade area and the need for a pleasant climate-controlled atmosphere the mall was constructed at the former location of the [...]

5 07, 2020

Wyomissing Park – The Modern Garden Suburb of Reading

2020-07-10T13:51:30-04:00July 5th, 2020|Towns-Wards|0 Comments

In 1913, the textile magnates Ferdinand Thun (1866-1949), Henry Janssen (1866-1948), and Gustav Oberlaender (1867-1936), formed the Wyomissing Development Company and began three years of preparatory work leading to the selection of Hegemann and Peets in 1917 to plan a “Modern Garden Suburb” [...]

2 07, 2020

Penn Theatre – West Reading, Pennsylvania

2020-07-02T21:56:20-04:00July 2nd, 2020|Theaters-Drive-Ins|0 Comments

In the summer of 1939, the Wilmer and Vincent theatre chain, purchased the Ruth estate at Sixth and Penn Avenues in West Reading for the purpose of building a theatre on the site. According to an article which ran in the Reading Eagle on [...]

1 07, 2020

Trolleys of Reading and Berks County Pennsylvania

2023-06-03T10:32:02-04:00July 1st, 2020|Planes-Trains-Automobiles|0 Comments

Electric lines came early in Berks, the East Reading Electric Railway enjoying the distinction of being one of the oldest electric lines east of the Mississippi, and dating from 1888, the year of Frank Sprague’s successful electrification of the Richmond, Virginia Street Railway [...]

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